Thursday, April 23, 2009

To my Daughter on her Birthday

Sometimes it seems that life really does suck. Believe me, it seems that way when you become ancient like me, too. But please remember that even in the midst of all the suckitude, you are indeed loved. There is a lot going on in your life right now and it sure can be confusing. You’re probably hearing an awful lot of things from an awful lot of people. The problem is, most everything is completely different from everything else, so what’s the truth? I wish I could make it clearer. Remember, everyone has their own point of view and their own version of the truth. The secret is to look down the middle of the stories to find the truth. One day, when you’re older, I hope I can help clear up the confusion. I know for a fact you don’t want to hear that because I wouldn’t want to hear it either. I guess that’s just another example of how much alike we are. And, that’s probably a lot of our problem, being too much alike. The one thing that is sure is this- you are my daughter and you are special. That’s a very small and exclusive club. Always know that I am always here for you, always watching over and only a phone call away. And, hopefully, someday we can be in the same room together and maybe even exchange hugs when we pass on the street. I certainly am looking forward to that day. Happy Birthday. Love and misses from the bottom of my heart, Dad

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