2 Words- Table Games. HIP, HIP, HOORAY!! First of all, when is the great Commonwealth going to learn to get something done all at once, rather than in a half-assed piecemeal fashion? I mean, is there a single person who thought that our casinos could survive on slots alone? How about, just once, Pennsylvania leads the way instead of waiting for other states to show the way. Next, what's with Rivers and Meadows being packed at 6AM? Didn't anyone have a job to go to? I guess unemployment is why they were all jackpot hunting. Finally- does anyone find it a little fishy that the state lottery system went down for a half-a-day? Just wonderin'.
Biggest Winner-O-the-Day (Local Division)- Michael Lanese. With the luck Ol' Mike hadtoday, it's a too bad he wasn't at the casino. Long story short- Mike leaves his 9 year-old twins to clean guns, and lo and behold, one ends up shooting the other in the head. Then, father-of-the-year runs away to Vietnam to escape prosecution. Luckily, he landed in the courtroom of Judge Jill ""The damage here is done and it's not repairable." Rangos, who sentenced Mikey to time served. The really interesting piece will be if this 49 year-old grandmother from Homewood draws the good Judge Rangos for her trial. All the classic matchups here- man v. woman, Mt Lebanon v. Homewood, etc. September 18 - October 18 2008 clearly not a good month for kids in Pittsburgh.