Another Pittsburgh-Area Giant Eagle Wants To Sell Beer (WPXI) NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. -- Yet another Pittsburgh-area Giant Eagle is pushing for beer sales at its store in New Kensington. Officials have confirmed that they are attempting to transfer a liquor license from outside the city. A public hearing is scheduled for Aug. 10 in the matter. The Giant Eagle in Allegheny Township has already applied for liquor license transfers. In both cases, beer would be sold inside the store's café, not the regular checkout lines. Other Giant Eagle stores applying for liquor licenses include Pin Township, Robinson Township, West View and Monroeville.
And, of course,
However, some in the alcohol business are already opposing the plan.
Could it be? Soon we can get a sixer with our Isaly's Chipped Ham 'n nat?
Naturally , beer sales will be limited to separate cafe areas, with prepared foods for on-site consumption and limited to 2 six packs to go. But its a start.
Naturally, the old arguments are back (from munhallnewswatch.com):
- "I'd be afraid of the prices because you can go to a little neighborhood bar and get a decent price where Giant Eagle, they're not into it for the neighbors," says Ziggy Zelena of Munhall. "They're into it to make money."
Gotta find out where the Zigster drinks. Sounds like he was probably slumped over an Old German draft and a shot of Imperial. Hey Ziggy- if your bar's managed to stay open without worryin' about making money, they'll be just fine.
- "It will hurt very much," says small business manager Isolina Varrasso of Capri Pizza, which also operates a bar. At Capri Pizza, the sale of six-packs at Giant Eagle will hurt sales but opponents say the best reason for the state ICB to turn down Giant Eagle is greater access for underage purchases."I think it will be very easier for them to buy beer as a younger kid," says Varrassa, "and a lot of kids these days they look way older."
This is the funniest argument. The clerks at Giant Eagle, Sheetz, 7 Eleven, etc. already do more "carding" than most bars. Hell, I was at my local Iggle the other day (god, I spend alot of time there) and a guy got carded for pipe cleaners!
- The Malt Beverage Distributors Association is challenging each license transfer to go before the LCB. Mary Lou Hogan, executive secretary and counsel for the Philadelphia-based distributors association, said grocery chains are stripping away beer sales from neighborhood businesses that only can sell it by the case or keg, without having to follow the same rules such as limits on hours.
I have to wonder just how much case and keg sales would be affected by a place that sells six-packs. Oh, wait a minute, it's happening now! Those places are called BARS. Think about it. How many bars are currently coexisting with distributors now?
- Peggy Alston worries sales will fall at her family’s Pike Beverage Outlet, a distributorship about two miles from Giant Eagle’s Settlers Ridge site. “I’m not allowed to sell flowers or groceries or baked goods for extra income, but Sheetz and then Wegmans and now Giant Eagle can get licenses to sell beer,” she said. “It’s another slap in the face for small businesses, and for the customers it will mean limited choice and service.”
Probably my favorite argument : "... another slap in the face for small business." I have to wonder how many "small businessmen" are so bound by their principles that the stopped eating bread when Jenny Lee closed? Or, stopped buying music when National Record Mart shut down? Hell, Peggy probably has a pantry full of Wal-Mart and Sam's labels herself. Principle is a great thing until hypocrisy is the easier path.
The bottom line is this: Pennsylvania will eventually move into the New Millenium. Those businesses that can adapt will survive those who can't won't. (Sounds kinda survival of the fittest to me). It's called a Market Economy folks.
And being able to have a beer with your pot pie in the Giant Eagle cafe while your spouse does the hunting and gathering for the week isn't gonna lead to the fall of the Commonwealth.
Just make sure you don't have that one too many and you find yourself at home watchin' rasslin with this guy:
Sheetz up here has the same arguments about serving beer at one of their Altoona locations. The funny thing is that I get carded for smokes more often at Giant Eagle and the larger places than I do at smaller gas stations.
ReplyDeleteHere in philipsburg, the one beer distributor usually has younger kids working, and we always went there to get beer before we were 21. It would be easier (I think) to enforce at Giant Eagle, especially for any good manager. You see a clerk not card someone, that is their first warning. They do it again, they are fired. Tell them it does not matter if it is their own mother, they need to show ID.