Monday, July 6, 2009

I Ain't Sayin- Talking Heads Greatest Hits Edition

Watch out. You might get what you're after Cool babies. Strange but not a stranger Im an ordinary guy. Burning down the house
Hold tight. Wait till the party's over Hold tight. We're in for nasty weather There has got to be a way. Burning down the house
Burning Down The House -- Talking Heads
It is said that those who play with matches are likely to wet their beds. If that's true, someone in Sheraden must be sleeping soaked. From the PG:
A suspicious fire destroyed a vacant house in Sheraden and damaged an adjacent home early today. The fire, the ninth reported in that neighborhood since last month, was reported at 2:12 a.m. in the 3000 block of Merwyn.
9 FIRES SINCE LAST MONTH??? WTF??? How's the old saying go? Fool me once shame on you, er I mean light one house on fire shame on you, light 9 houses on fire shame on WHO THE FUCK'S IN CHARGE 'ROUND HERE?
I gotta say, first, I don't live in the city and were it not for some shenanigans when I was young, I couldn't find Merwyn Street/Avenue on a globe. Second, I have no rooting interest in the stability of real estate values in Sheraden. That said, 9 fires is mind-boggling and should piss everybody off.
The fire appeared to have started on the back porch of 3014 Merwyn and spread to 3012, Pittsburgh Fire Chief Darryl Jones said. Arson investigators were at the scene this morning. The 3014 address was being renovated and was unoccupied, and five people -- three adults and two children -- escaped unharmed from 3012. No injuries were reported in any of the nine fires, Chief Jones said. "We are going to do the best we can to nip this problem before someone gets hurt," he said.

" the best we can..... before someone gets hurt"??? Seriously Chief, ya think? I probably wouldn't play the Powerball anytime soon were I you. Methinks you've just about used up all of your luck.

I ain't sayin.

Speaking of Chief Jones, please to watch this clip (pop quiz to follow)...

  1. Does the Chief normally where his Sunday-go-to-Parade clothes to every fire scene, or just the ones where there's a dog & pony show for the media?
  2. Housekeeping? Really?
  3. "As with most of the fires, I was alerted by a caller" Does Councilwoman Smith see any problem with that statement?
  4. "We had a meeting with residents a week ago..." How'd that work out for you?
  5. Blockwatch and clean-up is as "aggressive as we can be" ? Really? Huh.

I ain't sayin.

He called the Sheraden fires the public safety department's "top priority."

Seems to me that if a street in Shadyside was undergoing this kind of "Urban Renewal", the Public Safety Department's top priority response wouldn't be watchful neighbors and trash bags.

Maybe what Sheraden needs is it's own camera-totin busybody like the Hoagie. Maybe if he came around trespassing on everyone's property, he might be able to snap a picture of the firebug. Or at least, grab a bag and be useful.

I ain't sayin, I'm just sayin.

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