Yesterday, over at Ngewo's Dirty Little Mind, Josh put up a "review" of Ancient Astronauts on the History Channel. I also watched the show and I was, frankly, concerned that perhaps I was watching a different show than he (how did he manage to misinterpret all of the obvious conclusions?):
- I was worried that maybe he was using all of his big-brained PSU math-skills in an attempt to obfuscate the fact that the Atlanteans knew that limestone is a much better pyramid-ing material than the best plasti-adobe found on Xylon-Gamma 4.
- I was very troubled that, apparently, the Mayans were "nut jobs" because of depictions of a god pedalling a spaceship.
- But, I was most taken aback by the fact that my learned associate from the east, he of the trips to the pyramids, the fantasizer of winged goddesses, the one who knows first-hand that no run-of-the-mill deity can save you and and your Yaris from a protective mama bear would quote any "bible" that mentions anyone named Ezekiel or Enoch while completely ignoring the prophet von Däniken.
As I was mulling all this over, and questioning all that I believe because of the use of so-called "facts" to confuse me, it became clear that he must be acting in concert with some deep-cover alien cell waiting for the return of the mother ship. Creating a subterfuge, as it were, to conceal the existence of "visitors". How else to explain this piece of other-worldly goodness I first found in one of his posts and then, subsequently, was emailed to me:
This can only mean one of two things:
- The end of the world is indeed upon us, or
- Rick Astley's pedalling on back to town and he's pissed.
On a totally unrelated note (does best Rod Serling/Twilight Zone impression) submitted for your approval.....
I ain't sayin, I'm just sayin.
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