Thursday, December 31, 2009
You Just Can't Make This Up- Part Deux
That being said, if they could pull this goof out of the shallow end of the gene pool long enough to re-enact this act of sheer buffoonery in Pittsburgh next year, not only would I sell tickets (all proceeds to charity) but I would probably jump in the river myself. Just a thought. Lemmee know.
Oh yeah, bonus if he brings along his river-rescue posse. Especially the annoying chick working the camera.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
You Just Can't Make This Up...(can you?)
- From ABC News: Two al Qaeda Leaders Behind Northwest Flight 253 Terror Plot Were Released By U.S.
- From the Orange County News blog: (actual title NSFW)
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans.That they would be involved in such a plot is truly surprising because, after the U.S. agreed to send Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, they were entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program"!!???!
"The so-called rehabilitation programs are a joke," a U.S. diplomat said in describing the Saudi efforts with released Guantanamo detainees.Waterboarding vs. Watercolors. That's the choice? Really?Saudi officials concede its program has had its "failures" but insist that, overall, the effort has helped return potential terrorists to a meaningful life. One program gives the former detainees paints and crayons as part of the rehabilitation regimen.
Obviously 14 and 15 year-old participation is not a good idea, but shouldn't the folks over at Rivers try to figure out a way to work this into the revenue stream? Just askin'."Oral sex gives me good luck when I gamble at the casino."
--Actual excuse Little Saigon's 5-foot-2 and 110-pound Hung Van Phan gave to police in hopes of rationalizing why as a 28-year-old he demanded and received blow jobs and intercourse from two underage Orange County girls, one 14 and the other 15.
- Even occasional visitors to this space can figure out that I wasn't among the celebrants last January 20th. While the POTUS and I don't agree on any issue thus far, I am of the opinion intelligent opposition is the better path to take as opposed to the path preferred by the more "enlightened" among us. Case in point......
It's nice to see that I'm not alone in my confusion.
Unfortunately you really can't make this up.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Sign of the Times?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
This Just In
- Pens lose to the Devils 4-0. That Brodeur kid's gonna be good.
- The Boy Mayor Wins!!! Let me say this about that: First, anyone who thought the students were ever going to have to pony up a dime, clearly shouldn't have the pointy scissors without supervision. That tax never would have survived a court challenge and
methinksmeknows Master Luke knew that all along. That never was the intent. The aim was, obviously, to get the "non-profits" to come up with the cash but, more obviously they weren't gonna pay voluntarily. So Junior comes up with a plan where the only possible outcome is win-win for everybody involved (and when I say Junior, I, most obviously, mean the guys behind the curtain turning the cranks and pulling the levers). The schools look like they can play well with others and Lukey gets to look like he's the one with the balls to make the hard decisions and the tough choices to save the city. That being said, the only reason they went after tuitions in the first place was because they knew it was the politically safest route. What were those kids gonna do, anyway? It's not like the first thing out-of-towner students do is register to vote when they come to town. What are they gonna do, vote against Steellerstahl next time? In a related story.....
- Bob Smizik writes that, according to a bunch calling themselves Advanced NFLStats, the onside kick in the fourth quarter against the Packers was statistically the smart move. Are we to believe that while it appears that da Stillers are working on their Buccos-stinking-up-the-joint impression, they are, instead playing based on sound mathematical reasoning? Really?
- You may remember the story about the 10 year-old Arkansas girl who was tasered, in her home, by an officer that was summoned because Mama Bear couldn't get Baby Bear to go to bed. In the interest of fairness, (and we are nothing if not fair) we bring you this from above the Mason-Dixon: Boston mom calls 911 over son's video game habit
(Police spokesman) Zanoli says the mother's 911 call over video game obsession "was a little unusual, but by no means is it surprising - especially in today's day and age when these kids play video games and computer games."Amazing. Truly Amazing.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Shoveling the Stuff
- So, like everybody else, I'm dealing with 5" of global warming all day. The whole time, all the voices in my head were askin' the same question- and now I'm asking you- "Is there anything, anything, that government does.. any "service" that government provides, that can't be provided more effectively, more efficiently, more economically by the private sector?" Is there? Please tell me.
- Finally, the end of the Christmas season is rapidly approaching. I've been waiting for this since it all began- way back around Memorial Day. Maybe I'm just getting old and way too cynical, or maybe working in the retail arena for the last 30 years has jaded me but the season just doesn't feel like it used to.
- One of my biggest complaints about the season has been the fact that the soundtrack hasn't changed in 50 years or so. Honestly, the music starts at midnight on Thanksgiving and runs on a continuous loop till New Years. How much Bing, Elvis, and McCartney should someone be expected to endure? Perhaps if Muzak had
moresome of this it would be slightly more bearable:
- I came to the realization, this week, that eventually it will be time to put down this little corner of cyberspace like you would an old, feeble nag. Yes, there are some that will say that time has passed and this is all just kicking said dead horse. However, when that day comes, it will be due in no small part to the fact that I will have accepted that I can't measure up to the work being done at The Radical Middle.
Of a better observer and scribe in this city I'm not aware.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
So, Whatcha Doin January 23rd?

You may remember little Ethan Loney. Ethan is the little birthday cake-eating two-year old pictured at left. Ethan is also one of the little birthday cake-eating two year olds that have been asked to endure hardships that birthday cake-eating two-year old little boys should know nothing about, much less live with. From Facebook:
Ethan Loney is an amazing 2 year old boy that that loves to play outside in his and my front yard. Yesterday he was diagonesed with cancer that is attached to his kidney. He is goin to have surgery on thursday to remove it. Althought he is not family i have known Kenny and Kelly since i was a little boy and both them Ethan and Sarah sure seem like family. So lets keep them all in our prayer and hope that he pulls throught this just fine. Ethan has Neuroblastoma and it is in stage 4 and is in his bone marrow. Neuroblastoma is a form of cancer that starts in certain types of very primitive developing nerve cells found in an embryo or fetus. (The term neuro indicates "nerves", while blastoma refers to a cancer that affects immature or developing cells). This type of cancer occurs in infants and young children. It is rarely found in children older than 10 years. Lets all hope that he can be strong and fight off this cancer.Unfortunately, you may know little Ethan because he recently made the news. More unfortunately, it wasn't because he's a birthday cake-eating two-year old. It was because life decided to teach him a little about the lowlifes of the world. Read about it here.
Fortunately, life has seen fit to surround Ethan with a loving family and a group of supporters dedicated to seeing that Ethan wins the battle that no two-year old should have to fight.
Among those supporters is a local band named Trainwreck. The guys in Trainwreck have organized a benefit concert for young Ethan on January 23rd at the Eagles Club in Carnegie, PA:
This is a benefit concert for young Ethan Loney, who has Neuroblastoma a form of cancer that attacks very young children, Ethan is 2 years old and is going through chemo treatments to try to kill the cancer and rid him of this disease, cost for this event will be $20.00 , there will be food and drink for sale and we will have 50/50 drawings door prizes and other fun events, Along with Trainwreck , Alicia Romano , Jess Sides, and Tori Plack and our friends Cole will be performing, ,There may very well be something better to drop twenty bucks on, but I really doubt it.
In case you can't make the show but you're interested in helping Ethan's cause, donations are being accepted at:
Please come out, have a good time and help this birthday cake-eating two year-old little boy.Ethan Loney Trust Fund
Dollar Bank
PO Box 765
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0765
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Aw, Come On!!! OVERTIME????
Well, that was fun wasn't it? Kansas City 27- Pittsburgh 24
- Now that the fat lady is done for this week, is that Jim Mora I hear warming up?
- Well, are they 10 points better than anyone?
- Troy's out for a month. I've said it before... troubling, just troubling.
- While I understand that the coaches don't execute on the field, I agree that there comes a time when they need to be called to account for what happens on the field. Really, a runback on the opening kick?
- With Troy out and Big Ben nicked up, methinks it'll be a while before the coach feels like House again.
- Seriously, nice recap at Mondesi's House.
- Quick recap here.
Baltimore next Sunday night. Can't wait...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
- I will never be confused with a Bible scholar or an authority on the urinary customs of the Teutonics, but is this really what's wrong with the world today? You can't piss while standing in Germany and they talk about vertical urination too much in the Bible? Really?
- Forget about the world. Is this a sign of what's wrong in America? Interesting comments. Some are half-informed but all are interesting nonetheless.
- Or perhaps this little news nugget from Arkansas, via
An Arkansas cop tasered an unruly 10-year-old girl after her mother called police to report that the child was crying, screaming, and refusing to go to bed.... and...."Her mother told me to tase her if I needed to." After Kiara continued to refuse her mother's instructions, the cop concluded that "there was not going to be a peaceful resolution of the issue." Bradshaw warned the girl that she was "going to jail," and, of course... the child continued kicking and crying and resisted his attempt to handcuff her. During the tussle, Kiara "struck me with her legs and feet in the groin, reported Bradshaw, who countered with a brief "stun to her back" with his Taser. The child, not surprisingly, "immediately stopped resisting and was placed into handcuffs.
10-year-old won't go to bed and the first thing you do is call the cops.
Young 'un rearin'- Razorback style, y'all!!!
UPDATE: Ark. cop suspended after using Taser on girl, 10.
God, I wish I could make this up....
A police officer who used a stun gun on an unruly 10-year-old girl after he said her mother gave him permission has been suspended — not for using the Taser but for not having a video camera attached when he used it.
Mayor Vernon McDaniel said officer Dustin Bradshaw was suspended Wednesday for seven days with pay. McDaniel said the suspension is for not following department procedures because he didn't have the camera on.
McDaniel wants Arkansas State Police or the FBI to look into whether the use of the Taser was proper. The girl, who hasn't been identified, wasn't injured and is now at the Western Arkansas Youth Shelter in Cecil.DIDN'T HAVE THE EFFIN' CAMERA ATTACHED????
- And from Iowa...Mail carrier found drunk inside Marion home
Police arrested a mail carrier after she was found drunk inside a residence while on the job in Marion earlier this month, authorities said Tuesday.
Kristine A. Pflughaupt, 46, of Marion, was charged with public intoxication Nov. 3 after she was found sitting on the kitchen floor of a house at 260 Sixth Avenue, eating leftover noodles from Marie O’Kelly’s refrigerator.
O’Kelly, 95, said she was watching TV in another room when she heard a noise. She thought her daughter had arrived, but became suspicious when no one came to greet her.
When she went to check, O’Kelly said she found Pflughaupt sitting on her kitchen floor. She was using her hands to eat leftover noodles, and they were running down Pflughaupt’s shirt. O’Kelly didn’t recognize her as the mail carrier.
Preliminary breath tests showed her blood alcohol content to be .281, police said.
- 2012, huh?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weekend Recap: Dumbass Edition
- WTF is Skippy looking at? Hopefully, the coaching staff for the team he's playing for next season
will teach the dumbass how to fall down and get tangled up in the returners' legs. - Plenty of bad play all around, to be sure, but obviously the telephone booth was a little smaller than the inconsequential dumbass receiver thought.
- Everybody was "what a supreme effin' dumbass" when I turned in this week's picks: St. Louis +13.5, Kansas City +1.5 and Cleveland +11. Win, win and 0-0 at the half. Who's the dumbass now?
- Baltimore 16-0 start of the 4th quarter. Guess I am a dumbass.
- With .6 seconds left in the third period, the dumbass that was holding my remote switched from the Pens to what should have been, a foregone conclusion, the last nail in Charlie Weiss's coffin. Pitt holds on for the win and Bill Guerin and Pascal Dupuis shoot me the finger. Sheer dumbassery.
- But, the hands down, pound-for-pound Dumbass of the Week has to be George from Carbondale, PA. Without the help of Google Maps, I have no idea where Carbondale is. However, if George is any indication, it must be in the middle of a huuuuuge salvia patch.
Baltimore 16- Cleveland 0. Absolute last time I take the mistakes from the lake.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Knockin' Off The Rust Edition
Just a few thoughts...

- I've been struggling of late trying to get a particular rant worded and out of my head. I guess that explains the Chris Rock/Elton John/White Zombie-does-KC & the Sunshine Band trifecta for the last 3 posts. Once I get that cathartic piece out, it's back to the rank mediocrity we here at IKNAB are famous for.
- Speaking of "we here at IKNAB", according to those 2 gadgets over on the right side of this page, we have had visitors from 33 states and 30 countries. Question: What kind of wrong turn is everybody taking to get here? Modesty and my faith in mankind prevents me from thinking the national/international community is wandering by on purpose.
- The Boy Mayor wins!! WooHoo! Thoughts on that surprise coming.
- In the office pool, .500 going into this week. Here's this week's lines. Got suggestions? Comment/email.
Washington Atlanta -10 | San Diego New York (N) -4.5 | Tennessee San Francisco -4 | Dallas Philadelphia -3 |
Detroit Seattle -10 | Arizona Chicago -3 | Baltimore Cincinnati +3 | Houston Indianapolis -9 |
Kansas City Jacksonville -6.5 | Miami New England -10.5 | Green Bay Tampa Bay +10 | Carolina New Orleans -4 |
Pittsburgh Denver +3 |
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween
For your holiday listening pleasure....
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
From The Mailbag...
From today's mail. First, in the snail mail (breaks into a jaunty little tune)
(Elton John/Bernie Taupin)
You could never know what it's like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide
behind that mask you use
And did you think this fool could never win
Well look at me, I'm coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I'm still standing
you just fade away
Don't you know I'm still standing
better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor,
feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing
after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life
without you on my mind
I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah
I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah
Once I never could hope to win
You starting down the road leaving me again
The threats you made were meant to cut me down
And if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now
Oh, where was I?
Oh, yeah, never mind. More on that later.
Then, I log into my email and find this in my spam box:
If you are not white dont bother if you are not over the age of 35 dont bother,One other thing you MUST have a JOB of some kind I dont need nor do I want a lazy ass mofo. I am very single, I'm 39yrs old or young, I'm here to find the one for me so if your into CHEATING on your wife dont bother me cause i dont want to share the one I'M with. With anyone else I am a one MAN WOMAN. I"ve lived here in Piitsburgh for about 7yrs now, I have no kids, would someday like to have some or at least one. I was Born and Raised In the state of Calif. the city of SAN Diego. If you want to know more just ASK. You can find me in the PA chat room.
If you're an employed, white, over 35 non-lazy unattached mofo, let me know. Have I got a catch for you.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Another Baby Step For The Commonwealth
This a sure sign that the End Times are upon us. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board voted, unanimously (that's 3-0 y'all), to approve restaurant liquor license transfers to 2 (count 'em 2) local Giant Eagle stores. Another small step toward the light that is - the 20th century.
Giant Eagle has secured the Pittsburgh area's first two licenses to sell beer inside supermarkets — one for its Market District store to open Nov. 5 at the new Settlers Ridge complex in Robinson, and the other for a store in South Strabane.
"We are very eager to start beer sales," Giant Eagle spokesman Rob Borella said yesterday, adding the chain's customers in neighboring states that allow sales in supermarkets like the convenience.
(Ya know Pa, I hear tell them other states sell sliced bread and milk that comes in a jug. Is it true Pa? Is it really true? What did they do with the cow, Pa?)
As we've covered before, this makes our friends at the Philadelphia-based Malt Beverage Distributors Association none too happy.
"We expected that the licenses would be approved, just like the Wegmans and other licenses were," said Mary Lou Hogan, the association's executive director. Beer distributors contend that Pennsylvania's liquor laws don't allow sales of beer in supermarkets, even if it's kept in areas separated from the groceries. The test could come next spring, when the state Supreme Court is expected to consider the group's challenge to Wegmans' licenses.
Peggy Alston, whose family has operated Pike Beverage Outlet for 22 years, expects to lose some business, especially from out-of-state visitors who stay at nearby hotels and are used to buying beer in supermarkets. "What are we going to do about it?" she said, referring to the LCB vote. "It's still in the court, we are still upset, and it's still unfair."
While I understand Ms. Alston's concern with some business from "out-of-state visitors who stay at nearby hotels and are used to buying beer in supermarkets" crowd, I seriously doubt that the 2 six-pack carryout rule will affect her more than the 8 gazillion other bars and restaurants in the Robinson/North Fayette area already have.
("No honey," he said to his out-of-towner-nearby-hotel-stayin wife, "let's not go out to one of those nice bars or restaurants tonight. After all, 8 gazillion is just too many to choose from. Let's just get a pizza and a case of Natty Light and watch HBO tonight.")
While there is no bigger fan of progress and convenience (and yes, BEER) than I, I'm afraid that the biggest point is being missed in this whole debate.
Here it comes...
The two-level restaurant at the front of the store will be accessible from a patio, and from inside, the company said.. Everyone buying beer will be carded at four registers inside the restaurant, and food can be ordered. Up to 250 varieties of beer and other malt beverages will be stocked, with a focus on microbrews and premium brands, Borella said.
I think that bears repeating (emphasis added)-
...blah, blah, blah "Up to 250 varieties of beer and other malt beverages will be stocked..."
As I've said before, I seem to spend an ungodly amount of time at my local Iggle. I don't think I've counted 250 varieties of canned vegetables, for crying out loud.
Bottom line: This grocery store is just another reason why the the rest of the world hates us. It's not our Democracy. It's not the 2 SUVs in the our garage. Hell, it's not even that we have used our massive technology to produce a Bacon Cheeseburger on Buttered Krispy Kreme Donuts.
It is the fact that we need a grocery store with a 2 f'ing level restaurant that seats 200 people (all drinking a different beer if they wanna). It is the fact that that we need a grocery store with both a cooking school and 400 different cheeses. But most of all, it is the fact that, in this world where half the people hated Bush and half the people hate Obama, where half the people hate al Qaeda and half the people hate the CIA, where half the people hate the New England Belicheats and the other half hates da Stillers (they do?) , the reason the rest of world hates this great country is that we need, and therefore we have a grocery store featuring (for a limited time only, I'm sure)..... "The Cheese Lady," artist Sarah Kaufmann, who carves the Pittsburgh skyline from a 1,000 lb. block of mammoth Wisconsin Cheddar.Screw the End Times. I'm going to the store.
Vive le Commonwealth!
THIS JUST IN......Amelia Earhart: ALIVE!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Take Two Asspern and Shaddup

Excellent piece in yesterday's PG:
Sunday Forum: Suck it up, America
It's obvious to me that despite all the furor and rancor, what is being debated in Washington currently is not health-care reform. It's only health-care insurance reform. It addresses the undeniably important issues of who is going to pay and how, but completely misses the point of why.
In a single night I had patients come in to our emergency department, most brought by ambulance, for the following complaints: I smoked marijuana and got dizzy; I got stung by a bee and it hurts; I got drunk and have a hangover; I sat out in the sun and got sunburn; I ate Mexican food and threw up; I picked my nose and it bled, but now it stopped; I just had sex and want to know if I'm pregnant.
At a time when we have an unprecedented obsession with health (Dr. Oz, "The Doctors," Oprah and a host of daytime talk shows make the smallest issues seem like apocalyptic pandemics) we have substandard national wellness. This is largely because the media focuses on the exotic and the sensational and ignores the mundane.
Our society has warped our perception of true risk. We are taught to fear vaccinations, mold, shark attacks, airplanes and breast implants when we really should worry about smoking, drug abuse, obesity, cars and basic hygiene. If you go by pharmaceutical advertisement budgets, our most critical health needs are to have sex and fall asleep. Somehow we have developed an expectation that our health should always be perfect, and if it isn't, there should be a pill to fix it. With every ache and sniffle we run to the doctor or purchase useless quackery such as the dietary supplement Airborne or homeopathic cures (to the tune of tens of billions of dollars a year). We demand unnecessary diagnostic testing, narcotics for bruises and sprains, antibiotics for our viruses (which do absolutely no good). And due to time constraints on physicians, fear of lawsuits and the pressure to keep patients satisfied, we usually get them.
The human body is exquisitely talented at healing. If bodies didn't heal by themselves, we'd be up the creek. Even in an intensive care unit, with our most advanced techniques applied, all we're really doing is optimizing the conditions under which natural healing can occur. We give oxygen and fluids in the right proportions, raise or lower the blood pressure as needed and allow the natural healing mechanisms time to do their work. It's as if you could put your car in the service garage, make sure you give it plenty of gas, oil and brake fluid and that transmission should fix itself in no time.
Dr. Thomas A. Doyle is a specialist in emergency medicine who practices in Sewickley ( This is an excerpt from a book he is writing called "Suck It Up, America: The Tough Choices Needed for Real Health-Care Reform."
Let me see if I understand this. Is the good doctor suggesting that the health care system is being misused? That changes in our own personal conduct can have a direct effect on our health and, by extension, the cost of health care in this country? That responsibility and common sense can affect change than can never be legislated? Really?
Common sense driven responsibility- what a concept.
Friday, October 9, 2009

What kind of a lowlife douchebag steals money intended for a 2 year old with cancer?
I've known this little boy's father for years and hope and prayers go out to Little Ethan and his family.
If you are interested in making a donation to help Ethan and his family, please go to any PNC branch and donate to the Ethan Loney Fund.
Donations are also accepted at:
Finally, to the lowlife douchebag: feel free to email me at the link in my profile. Let's get together so I can "enlighten" you as to the error in your ways. Please.
When You Find Yourself In A Hole, Quit Digging

Tee hee hee hee
The Gateway Center subway station will close for two years at the end of the month to accommodate construction of the Port Authority's $538.8 million North Shore Connector project.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What Would the Chief Say?

First "Raw"-thlisberger (or do you prefer De-"Ben"-eration X) is on 'rasslin, now this?
The Steeler organization in general, and the Rooney family in particular are clearly much brighter than I when it comes to the whole football business thing, but is this REEEAAAALLLY a good idea?
There are those that worried about the reaction to the WWE appearance after a loss to San Diego. Personally, I'm now worried about what happens should the Black and Gold lose to Detroit.**************************************
In the pool this week:
Dall -8.5, SF -2.5, NE -3, Ind -4, Hou +5.5, Jax +.5
Just askin'-1. Is anyone comfortable with da Stillers givin' more than 10 to anyone at this point? Even Detroit?
2. If da Raida-s are indeed 16 worse than the New York Football Giants, do you think they could beat the Pirates?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The National Tragedy* Continues
*Sarcasm : Sarcasm refers to a humor that is at once cutting and bold in both in a mocking fashion. Sarcastic humor would never be described as gentle or endearing, but rather as caustic and bitter, describing situations, persons, or things in a derogatory way in order to be funny. Appropriately, the derivations for this brutal form of wit come from the Latin 'sarcasmus," which stems from the Greek "sarkasmos" and "sarkazein" which means literally "to bite the lips in rage."Monday, October 5, 2009
WHEW!!!! That was Close!

Steelers narrowly avoid late implosion

And the hits keep coming- 4-2 in the pool this week (who the fuck woke up Jacksonville?). 14-10 on the season. Woo hoo!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
NFL Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday

Throughout October, NFL games will feature players, coaches and referees wearing pink game apparel to raise awareness for the campaign, as well as on-field pink ribbon stencils and special K-balls and pink coins. All apparel worn at games by players and coaches and special K-balls and pink coins will auctioned off at NFL Auction (, with proceeds benefitting the American Cancer Society and team charities. This is an issue that has directly touched the lives of so many in the NFL family, and we are committed to helping make a difference in breast-cancer prevention.
Steelers take the NFL's campaign for breast cancer awareness
Shiny, florescent-pink-trimmed football shoes with silver cleats sit in the next locker for his buddy Hines Ward to wear tonight. Similarly toned shoes, most of them completely pink with white or black trim, also will be worn by Steelers teammates Ben Roethlisberger, Santonio Holmes, Ryan Clark, Lawrence Timmons, Willie Gay and a host of other players around the National Football League. Many Steelers also will wear pink gloves and wristbands for their 8:20 p.m. game against San Diego in Heinz Field. Ribbon pins and white-and-black Steelers ballcaps with pink-lined bills will be donned by coaches along the home sideline.
And from
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You have to wonder just how much time and money it will take to find a cure. Obviously, it is just a matter of time and money.
Increasingly, however, comes the need to be more and more creative in how you get your cause to the front of the the public's conscience to get your share of the dwindling donation dollar.
Case in point: Along with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, arguably the most well-known charitable cause is the MDA and its major fundraising effort- the Jerry Lewis Telethon.
Over the years, the Labor Day telethon alone has raised nearly $1.6 Billion but, admit it, when you think of Muscular Dystrophy you think of Jerry Lewis, not necessarily his "kids"
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Well known. Hard working. Some would say cultural icon. He's been doing the telethon thing for decades and his contribution cannot be understated. However, the man is in his eighties. What to do when the man cannot carry on the good fight? How do you keep the cause in the public's mind? Advertising. I believe this is where it may be time to think outside the box. Take, for instance, this ad from Rethink Breast Cancer , a Canadian cancer awareness group, to support it's fundraising event- Boobyball. |
Or perhaps this ad from the folks at Yoplait:
The point, sophomoric examples aside, is this: in these days when health and healthcare is on the tip of everyone's mind, it's important to remember your favorite cause year-round, not just on designated "awareness months" or traditional holiday times. And, to that end, some charities need to be more creative in getting the message across to achieve funding in order to defeat these diseases.
I think.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Steeler Football: Troubling, Just Troubling

And for extra theatrics, he will be flanked by his entire offensive line, which will be trying to successfully block someone for the first time this year.
One thing I know for sure: I don't even want to think about a world in which they lose to San Diego, hold a 1-3 record, and follow that with a scripted wrestling appearance by a half-dozen of their players. It may get uglier than the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh.
Scary thought, indeed.
I was going to jot something down, earlier this week, to this effect...
"blah, blah, blah... Though I don't necessarily agree with President Savior's policies and politics, I must thank him for one thing- since his arrival on the national political scene, not only has the Rev. Jesse Jackson all but become invisible, but the Rev. Al Sharpton is becoming more and more irrelevant. This seems to be borne out by Sharpton's hosting of WWE RAW. What could possibly better signify comic book irrelevance than hosting RAW blah, blah, blah...."
I had all the facts and figures and comebacks ready for the attacks from the "You Redneck, Racist, Right-Wing Bastard!" crowd, but now with the Roethlisberger announcement, do I tempt the wrath of Stiller Nation by using "Roethlisberger", "(truly)Offensive Line", and "comic book irrelevance" in the same sentence? Well, like they say, I may have been born during the day....., troubling, just troubling.
- Willie "Pink Shoes" Parker- Pink shoes for a good cause, to be sure, but the pink toe inside the shoe is troubling, just troubling. Welcome back, Carey Davis.
- Troy Polamalu- With all due respect, Troy is probably the best safety in the league, but, if missing one player can make as much of a difference to a defending Super Bowl Champion, as it appears Troy's has, methinks something else is afoot. Complacency, anyone? Troubling, just troubling.
- Casey Hampton nekkid- Hey ESPN The Magazine- WTF???? Troub,er, GROSS JUST GROSS.
For the football pool last week- 5 WINS, 1 LOSS (55% for the season). I'm a genius I tell ya'. Hey Cleveland, you can't find a way to stay within 2 effin' touchdowns????? It's official- you do truly suck.
This week for all you smart bandwagon jumpers....
Hou -9.5, Tenn -3, Dal -3, NO -6.5, NYG -9, Ind -6.5
Come to poppa, golden goose.
G20: Sometimes Cheap Laughs Are The Best
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Pittsburgh Irates | |||| | ||||
- Pittsburgh Irates: NICE
- At 2:23- "Pri-MAHN-tee Brothers HOAGIE?" Damned blasphemer! Rioting in the streets? That calls for a full-out crusade n'at.
And from the So Funny It's Almost Sad file:
I missed this on it's first run but the rerun is hilarious.
Throws her bike at the f'ng cops. I swear good dumbassery never gets old.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
What's a Good Summit Without Keanu?

So, it's over huh?
A few thoughts, if I may...
- My prize for best exhibit: Greenpeace.
Subtle, well thought-out, nice execution, most of all- no destruction. I gotta wonder, however, how many folks sitting in traffic wouldn't have liked to have seen ol' Bob Duvall and the boys swoopin' down the Allegheny to help the danglers off the bridge?
When sunlight hit the sign just right, however, you could see the real message (Magnus Patris):

- Nice job keeping the malcontents out of the Downtown area. Pity the city didn't get a chance to showcase the barricades on the storefronts and the pretty banners on the unoccupied spaces. Bigger pity there was a need for so many banners. Nice windfall for the company(s) that came up with all the banners.
- As for the mob/police interaction: Fortunately, I think, it was less than of a problem than expected. After bringing in such a show of force, I think the "mob" underwhelmed law enforcement, initially, causing a certain sense of security and confidence (rightfully so). At the risk of offending all the nouveau-constitutional scholars out there, I think that the early harassment (messing with the food bus, hassling the lawful assemblers, etc), though purely chickenshit moves all, was necessary to set the bar a little higher than usual. Does that bus bus get hassled if it's parked them same way this Thursday, probably not. But it's all part of the game and all involved know how to play. I park my bus to tweak your nose, you cite my bus to punch me in the arm, I complain and bitch in the media,thereby getting the the issue and the ACLU before a judge, to give you a shove, you have the judge "maybe" bend the Constitution a little to shove me back, and it's on. Unfortunately, all the anti-climactic early skirmishes fed into the mess Friday night. If you take a bunch of people, with no intent other than creating chaos, and limit their chaos-making and mix them with a bunch of police, shipped in and dressed for preventing/putting down chaos, and limit their opportunity to use their neat-o toys, a mess is what you get. There is no bigger supporter of the police than I, but you didn't really think all the police and National Guard came from parts unknown just to do the tourist thing, did you?
- As for the rousers of the rabble: Where were you 2 weeks ago? Where will you be next week? Is there a tour schedule? Who do follow around, ala the Deadheads. I'd hate to think you've all gone to your establishment lives and your establishment jobs. You guys really aren't hypocrites roaming the countryside, spending mummsy and daddies corporate-earned money, looking for shit to break, are you? Just askin'.
- Now for the rabble: Please permit me to go into Keeanu Reeves mode for a moment.

As I asked above, where were you 2 weeks ago? Funny, but I didn't see any accounts of protesting in the streets of Oakland in the PG or the Trib or even the Pitt News. No stories of anyone protesting the military-industrial complex by breaking windows at that naval sandwich shop or that colonel's chicken joint. Where was your social conscience then? Surely, it wasn't just that things were getting boring at the O so you thought it would be a good idea to make some mischief. Was it? And then, to get angry when your hand got smacked? Really? And- about that hand- remember back when you was a wee tot and mommy told you not to touch the stove? Remember? No! Hot! How many times did you touch that stove? If your is answer is more than twice, you should return all your student loan money, cuz all that book-learnin' ain't gonna do you no good. The point is this: There's people in town to cause chaos, and the cops are ready. Probably this isn't your fight, due your lack of protesting history (see above). The cops are marching in the streets, the robocop truck is blaring "stay the eff off the streets or bad things might happen", the Pitt Admin is texting "stay the hell in your dorms for it may not be safe outside, youngsters". And, you, our brightest of the bright, our leaders of tomorrow, our hope for the future, TOUCH THE GODDAMNED STOVE!!! And then, naturally, you bitch and whine all over the media and, more naturally, post all over Youtube. Grandma called it a life lesson kids.
All in all, it coulda been alot worse. Nice job, Pittsburgh.
Nice continuing coverage by Infinonymous. Check out the wrap up here.
Related personal note:
To the Boy Mayor: As you are aware, since you are no doubt among the literally tens of people that read this little public display of written drivel, I am currently an avid player of the Incarceration!: Home Edition game. From time to time there are away games. The last away game was played to benefit the Esplen section of Pittsburgh (for your benefit, see map here). We were told this was being done in preparation for the G20 Summit. I even got a nifty t-shirt that says so. But the Esplen part of the trip was missed by the whole media. What gives? Esplen is a perfect example of Pittsburgh stepping into the future and way from the past. I'm just sayin'.
Further personal, though unrelated, note:
This week's picks: clev +13.5, nyg -7, nyj -2.5, ne-4, det +6.5, den +1.5
Last week 3-3, Season 5-7
Please feel free to jump on the gravy train. I don't wanna keep all of this sheer sports genius to myself. Just givin' back. It's what I do.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Random Acts of Depraviosity
Just a little something till I can get my G20 thoughts together...
From Stamford, Connecticut:

"According to a police press release, the six arrestees made "derogatory comments about the other female's singing ability (or lack thereof) and then repeatedly punched, kicked and pulled the hair of the victim before leaving the bar." Alcantara, who suffered a chipped tooth and was left with numerous bruises, was treated at a local hospital."
- Who hasn't wanted to do that? C'mon be honest.
- Looks like they grow their 19 & 20 year olds pretty thugalicious in ol'Stamford.
Dumbells with dumbells in Costa Mesa, California:
"In an ill-conceived attempt to increase the size of his member, a man placed his penis through the "hole of a steel, ring-shaped dumbbell weight fastener," according to the Daily Pilot. The fasteners are used to secure weight plates on dumbbell bars."
""They said his comment was, 'This will make me the chief of my tribe,'" Costa Mesa Battalion Chief Scott Broussard told the Pilot."
"They also slid a little piece of metal between the collar and his thing, so if it slipped past it wouldn’t hit his thing," Broussard told the Pilot."Chief of my tribe????
And, finally, from
Animal-cruelty charges dropped against Burlington County cop
"During a bizarre hearing there yesterday, a Superior Court judge dismissed animal-cruelty charges against a Moorestown police officer accused of sticking his penis into the mouths of five calves in rural Southampton in 2006, claiming a grand jury couldn't infer whether the cows had been "tormented" or "puzzled" by the situation or even irritated that they'd been duped out of a meal."
""If the cow had the cognitive ability to form thought and speak, would it say, 'Where's the milk? I'm not getting any milk,' " Judge James J. Morley asked.
"I think any reasonable juror could infer that a man's penis in the mouth of a calf is torment," Morgan argued. "It's a crime against nature."
"I'm not saying it's OK," Morley said. "This is a legal question for me. It's not a questions of morals. It's not a question of hygiene. It's not a question of how people should conduct themselves."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
If We Build It...
I was just reading the latest from The Carbolic Smoke Ball (those guys are geniuses):
Pittsburgh Replaces Locals With Cardboard Figures For G-20
and it hit me- why stop at the people? WTF are you talking about you ask? Why, only the solution to the Pittsburgh-getting-destroyed-during-the-G20-Summit problem. Two words.... BLAZING- F'ING- SADDLES!!!
Hope this helps.